CommBank CommSee Modernisation
UX Designer
Feb 2019 - Nov 2019
The CommSee CRM platform was developed in 2006, and many (thousands) of its components and processes needed to be modernised.
I was a part of the UX team in charge of the modernisation.
The goal was to improve the ease-of-use for the 30,000+ staff that used this system regularly, while also decreasing average customer handling times.
Using a modern, custom-built design system, our team researched, user-tested, designed and built the modernised screens and flows.
I was responsible for the UX and visual design of 11 projects, creating wireframes and interactive prototypes in Sketch and InVision.
I also managed and updated the design system and its internal web portal, ensuring we had reusable patterns and best practices for designers and developers.
- Sketch
- InVision
- React
Case Studies
Available on request